Author Topic: Renshaws Pedal Project Zwift Chop-off Grades  (Read 5670 times)


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Renshaws Pedal Project Zwift Chop-off Grades
« on: August 27, 2021, 08:45:01 PM »
Renshaws Pedal Project On-Line Special Lockdown Events - GRADING:
The Covid19 Lockdown has resulted in the shut down of cycle racing in NSW, so with local cyclists looking to get that weekly cycle race fix Renshaws Pedal Project Zwift events may be an alternative.
To allow races inside one meetup event the following grading system has been identified.

The initial Grades come from a mix of ZwiftPower ranking, Auscycling Club Series Grades and previous RPP chop-off times.
The intention is the results from a "Graded RPP event" will change the grades for the following week.
The general rule is top 3 up and the bottom 3 drop.
However there will be a consideration of the time recorded in the event.
(More on that soon - but there is a time range that is considered as the corrected level for a certain Grade)
There is other considerations such as bring (or Leaving) a group together eg moving female riders into one grade. (Again more on this later)
Handicaps are final -- and results are worked out off those grades - then the grades are again revised
(note once moved up a grade you should remain there for 2 to 3 events before a regrade back down.

CURRENT "UPDATED" Grades of RPP Chop-off Events - Version 6/09/21

A Grade
Mark Renshaw (TdF) -/-
Ace Windsor (Bath BXCC) A1/A5
C Lovett (Bath) -/A3
Cameron Arnold (BxCC) B1/A9
Craig Hutton (Bath) -/-
Craig McAlister (BxCC Bath) B3/A8
Dylan Eather (Dubbo) -/A3
Hobbo0 (Bathurst) -/-
Jeff Frank (Mudgee) -/C1
Kate Spicer (DCC Dubbo) B6/B2
Kurt Eather (Dubbo) -/A7
Luke Tuckwell (BxCC Bath/Org) -/A1
Nick North (Bathurst) A3/A2
Stuart Renshaw (Bathurst) -/A10
Tirian McManus (RPP NSW) -/-
W Hodges (Bathurst) -/-
Ryan McDonnell (Ex.Bath) B2/-
S Dunstall (Bathurst) -/-
Shane Haertsch (RPP Dub?) -/-
Simon Heppell (DCC Dubbo) A2/A5
Stephen Jackson (BxCC Bath) B5/B1

B Grade
A Giovanetti (RPP)
Cal Baker (BxCC - exBath)
Cowpat Climber (Bathurst)
Dave Reece (Bathurst)
Ella Falzarano (Bathurst)
Graeme Peadon (Dubbo)
Jack Cannon (BxCC - Bath)
Jenn Arnold (BxCC - Bath)
Karl Addison (BxCC - UK)
Kirsten Howard (BxCC - Bath)
Luke Gillmer (BxCC - Bath)
Lovey Lovett (Bathurst)
M Cowley (Bathurst)
M Marsh (ex Bathurst NSW)
M Riley (RPP Mudgee)
Mark Simons(D2FAdventure) (Bathurst)
Neil Diamond (Dubbo DCC)
Paul Jones (BxCC - Bath)
Ray Thorn (BxCC - Bath)
Rod Mildner (RPP -?)
S Bennett (Bathurst)
Stuart Jones (RPP -)
T Antechinus (RPP Mudgee)
T Cleasby (RPP -)
Troy Eastlake-smith (BxCC - Bath)

C Grade
Aaron Seaman7958 (Dubbo DCC)
Adam Young (AHDR) (RPP -)
B Readsled (RPP -)
*Belly** (Bathurst)
Ben OBrien (Dubbo DCC)
Craig Morgan (RPP -)
Claire Scott (BxCC Bath)
Dan Stewart (Dubbo Dcc)   
Daniel Richardson (Dubbo Dcc)   
Darren Fenton (Bathurst)
Dave Flemming (Dubbo Dcc)
Dave Huges (Bathurst/Lith)
Gary Baker (BxCC exBath)
Gary Hamer (BxCC Bath)
Geoff Short (BxCC Bath)
Georgia Farr (Dubbo)
James D (RPP -)
Jamie R (Cowpat Climbers) (Bathurst)
Jason Farr (Dubbo Dcc)
Jimmy Leno (RPP -)
John Curley (Dubbo Dcc)
Josiah Cooke (Orange)
L Renshaw (BxCC Bath)
L Reynolds (Dubbo Dcc)
Mick Marshall AHDR (BxCC ExBath)
Mick Robbo (Bathurst)
R.RPP (RPP Bathurst)
Rick Reynolds8237 (Dubbo Dcc)
Phil McFarland (Bathurst Mtb)
S Shaw (RPP -)
Seb Hanscomb (Dubbo Dcc)
Tim Howlett (Dubbo Dcc)
Will Lesh (BxCC Bath)

D Grade
Alex B (BxCC Bath)
B Evans (RPP -)
Bec O'Connor (BxCC Bath)
Brooke Tuynman (Bathurst)
C William (RPP -)
G Hope (Bathurst)
Gary B (Dubbo Dcc)
Glen Carter (BxCC Bath)
Graeme Bell (Bathurst)
J Renshaw (Bathurst)
Joshua Jackson (BxCC Bath)
L Wheeler (RPP - B)
Ken Addison (BxCC UK)
Mark Collett (Dubbo Dcc)
Michael Howlett (Dubbo Dcc)
Michelle Patton (BxCC Bath)
Mel Thorn (Bathurst)
Nicole Purdon (BxCC Bath)
P Wilson (Bathurst)
Sam Stringfield (RPP -)
Steve Cox (RPP -)
tony simic (Dubbo Dcc)
T opcat S (RPP -)
« Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 09:40:48 PM by Mark »