Author Topic: DRAFT Guidelines - Cycle Safe Bathurst Communication  (Read 4544 times)


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DRAFT Guidelines - Cycle Safe Bathurst Communication
« on: August 18, 2020, 10:40:09 PM »
Cycle Safe Bathurst Communication Guidelines (Draft -Version 10/07/20)

Communication Message
Our agreed goals
• Contribute constructively to evidence informed decisions about local safety priorities and infrastructure related to cycling.
• Promote a culture that encourages safe cycling and cooperative road use.
• Build partnerships with groups and individuals interested in active transport.

Some thoughts:
• Introduction to presentation – talk about the background of why the group was formed without necessarily being specific about any one person – deaths in town, nearly everyone on the committee has either been hit or had a near miss including hospitalisation. We want to make Bathurst a better place for all road users.
• Our focus is on safety and improved infrastructure that benefits all road users where possible – eg cyclists, cars, pedestrians and other road users such as mobility scooters.
• The potential for cycle tourism and to blend the movement of bikes around the city area with the appeal of the surrounding countryside and roads. We are keen on linking with tourism organisations
• Drop in personal anecdotes where possible – personal experiences or observations
• We are a lobby group that will assist applications for special funding or advise and lobby government – local and state as well as local and state government departments and their leaders.
• Stay on message – make sure that any communication stays within the bounds of our goals.
• Please be enthusiastic about the group and its goals.
• Look for opportunities to get us spots with groups/companies. Any member of the committee can speak to a group who they belong to or have worked with closely as long as other protocols mentioned above are followed. Please report back to the group on any successes and contacts
• Keep talks short – 5 – 10 minutes.
• Any feedback can this be delivered to the group by email for consideration – negative or positive.
• Answer any questions honestly – what we can and can’t do.
• Please hand out or distribute electronically information about joining the group.

Leave formal lobbying of politicians – local and state to agreed structures through our meetings. Informal – any member of the committee.
Meetings with Council/RMS should be through the committee not ad hoc arranged.
Media through the President

Outcomes from Communication
To get members of the audience to sign up to the group – why because a wider membership base allows us to be a more influential lobby group
Our developing communication pathways allows people to be aware of our activities without necessarily demanding anything of their time
Communication with groups who are road users eg bus companies